Monday, November 9, 2009

Could a procedural requirement derail reform?

"For years, we've been told that this couldn't be done," said a jubilant President Obama in the Rose Garden less than a day after the House narrowly voted yes on comprehensive health reform. And so, now all eyes turn to the Senate where Harry Reid will have his hands full. There are plenty of substantive issues that could grind this to a halt in the Senate, but could it all come down to a procedural one? Unlike the House, Reid can't bring a bill to a vote until the Congressinal Budget Office provides its comprehensive analysis of the financial impact of the legislation. If that doesn't happen soon, then the Senate may not have an opportunity to fully consider the matter until after Thanksgiving... typically the worst time to get anything done in Washington. Once the holiday break hits, then health reform becomes a 2010 (election year) issue, something the White House (and nervious legislators) have hoped to avoid. Harry Reid has stated that he won't be bound by any timelines and the President continues to state that this will happen "by the end of the year." Pay attention to the timing on the CBO report.

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