Saturday, October 24, 2009

A blog? Seriously?

I know. I get it. Getting into the blogging business is as easy as signing up for a free email account or a portal site, like Yahoo or Google. A username and password that you don't forget and then just 5 minutes in front of the by-the-numbers set-up screen and you are officially a blogger. But, having something to say is an altogether different thing. A search on any of the major blogging engines reveals a graveyard of good intentions, much as you'll find exercise equipment under blankets of dust in bedrooms and basements across America.

Sometimes, you don't know if you'll use the stationary bike until you give it a try.

So the question is: do I actually have anything to say?

I'm joining the venerable Visiting Nurse Association of Boston & Affiliates ( in less than a week as the new President & CEO. Based on the early feedback from industry contacts, comments from current and possible customers, one Board meeting and several conversations with members of the "VNAB" team, I'm going to find myself in a variety of situations and considering a number of issues pertaining to home health care, health care in general, and policy and payment issues of varying importance and impact.

"VNA CEO", the name of this blog, will be a place to record what I learn and what I think. I'll also post some of my favorite photos (as I'm an avid hobbyist). And there will be posts pertaining to some of the causes I support.

We'll see how it goes.

And if this actually works, maybe I'll take the boxes off the treadmill in my garage and give that another shot too...

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